From November 27 to 29 the Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts crew had a chance to visit the 33rd IPMA World Congress in Cape Town, South Africa.

The event united practitioners and researchers in Project management from all over the world and had as the main theme Hope:
“Hope for a better future rests on competent people and successful projects”.
As a matter of fact, the paper presented at the congress by Nargiza Mikhridinova and Carsten Wolff reflected the scope of the congress, sharing the research results on “Employing the hidden competences in digital transformation projects” (written in frames of the Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliance “Projects for the Digital Transformation (ProDiT)”).

In addition to fruitful discussions and networking during the conference, a visit to the Stellenbosch University took place, in particular, to get to know Centre of Learning Technologies and to maintain the research cooperation, which evolved through collaboration with KU Leuven and research activities like Dortmund International Research Conference (2012-2022).