Welcome to ProDiT:
Projects for the Digital Transformation
Project Reference: 621745-EPP-1-2020-1-DE-EPPKA2-KA
The digital transformation is one of the major challenges for companies, society, and the education system, which requires new forms of management. Due to disruptive elements and jump innovations, projects are a major organisational pattern for digital transformation. Digital transformation projects (DTP) require novel project management approaches, method and tools.
The ProDiT consortium develops the required standards, content and educational resources for the management of the digital transformation by combining innovative approaches from industry-university-cooperation and international cooperation with the existing competences in digitalisation and project management.
Project Information
What you should know about the project?
- Open Communities of Practice (OpenCoPs) involve lecturers, scientists and company experts, and furthermore, master and PhD students. The immediate benefit is the use of the results in their learning, teaching and research.
- Master programmes involve the students and lecturers: students not only earn ECTS but certificates and double degrees, too; lecturers participate in cross-organisational teaching. The virtual, digital, cross-border Master School and the new topic of managing the digital transformation will change the way how Master’s education is delivered.
- Corporate universities involve the professionals, who are reached via their companies or professional bodies like IPMA or IEEE. The integration of corporate university programmes and the HEI educational programmes is an innovative tool for life-long learning.
Project period:
01.01.2021 – 31.12.2024
Project type:
Erasmus+ KA2: Knowledge Alliance
Beneficiaries Space can be found here.
Erasmus+ Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action Type: Knowledge Alliances for higher education
Follow up here.
Grant holder:
Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts (FH Dortmund)
Project coordinator:
Carsten Wolff
Nargiza Mikhridinova
What is our scope, goals, and outcomes?
ProDiT delivers three core outcomes:
- First, it develops frameworks and standards that enable the definition of trainings needs and educational gaps. This is done by the definition of a competence model for the digital transformation (CMDT), a digital transformation maturity model (DTMM) for organisations and projects, and a digital sustainability canvas (DSC). These frameworks meet the need of individuals, companies and other organisation to assess and understand what competences and capabilities they need to cope with the digital transformation.
- Second, it develops the learning materials that support lecturers and trainers to develop educational programmes. These programmes fulfil the need of students and professionals to develop their competence. The provision of high-quality materials and the respective guidelines and examples for programme development is done as Open Educational Resources (OER) to lower the access barriers and to foster adoption and adaptation.
- Third, the development with a co-production approach of industry and academia in open communities of practice (OpenCoPs) serves the need for learning materials and courses with a very high relevance and fit to the professional field. Furthermore, they support the continuous development and adaptation of the materials which is very much needed in a fast-changing domain. The community approach is continued into the establishment of cross-border, virtual Master Schools which serve the need for powerful educational ecosystems.
- Processes, methods and tools for managing digital transformation projects: Managing the Digital Transformation (MDT) handbook
- Three new concepts/standards/guidelines for the management of the digital transformation with projects developed by the OpenCoPs and tested in pilot projects in the partner companies and HEIs:
- The Competence Model for the Digital Transformation (CMDT)
- Digital Transformation Maturity Model (DTMM)
- Digital Sustainability Canvas (DSC)
- Three Master Module Packages developed by the OpenCoPs and tested in pilot teaching in both the HEIs and the corporate universities:
- Agile and Projectized Organisations in the Digital Era (APODE)
- Competences and the Digital Transformation (CDT)
- Sustainable Digital Transformation (SDT)
- Development of a Train-the-Trainer (TtT) Module
- Publication on Online Platform (ProDiT Digital Portal) as Open Educational Resources (OER)
- An Open Community of Practice (OpenCoP) for each concept/standard and module as a co-production approach in a virtual industry-university-community of lecturers and practitioners
- Integration of the Module Packages into the curricula of Master Programmes
- New/updated Master programmes and Double Degrees
- Integration of the modules into the corporate universities of enterprises
Project goals:
- Definition of competence profiles for managing the digital transformation;
- Definition of processes for the digital transformation;
- Development of Master level modules and publishing as Open Educational Resources (OER), certification by IEEE, IPMA;
- Development of Communities of Practice (CoP) with university and industry participation for the core topics;
- Development and execution of educational formats like workshops, summer school, student conferences;
- Master programmes “European Master for Digital Transformation Management (DTM)”;
- Company programmes;
- Conferences, TechTalks;
- Online marketing campaign;
- Publications and dissemination activities.
Project outcomes:
- Open Community of practice (OpenCoP) as virtual, digital project teams: Private Content
- Digital Education Ecosystem: Private Content
- Competence Model for Digital Transformation (CMDT): Private Content
- Agile Digital Transformation Maturity Model (ADTMM): Private Content
- Digital Sustainability Canvas (DSC): Private Content
- Accredited programmes, double degrees
- Trainings (based on CMDT), cumulation of results in Master programmes
- Educational and Didactic Concept: Private Content
- Module portfolio for Project Management for the Digital Transformation
- Competences and the Digital Transformation: Private Content
- Agile and projectized organisations in the digital era: Private Content
- Sustainable digital transformation: Private Content
Who is working on the project?
- Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts (FH Dortmund), Dortmund, Germany;
- KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium;
- Kaunas University of Technology (KTU), Kaunas, Lithuania;
- Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway;
- University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Bilbao, Spain.
Where can you download our published results?
- The modules and standards are developed and later maintained by teams of lecturers and industry experts in a co-production setup. These teams form a kind of a “maker community” which organizes themselves as a virtual, agile project team.
- Open Community of practice (OpenCoP) as virtual, digital project teams: Specification
- A project-based educational and didactic approach is used:
- Educational and Didactic Concept: Specification
- The teaching and learning activities take place in a “Digital Education Ecosystem (DEE)”:
- Digital Education Ecosystem: Specification
- This section provides necessary standards and guidelines for the management of the digital transformation. The outputs define which competences a project manager for digital transformation projects should have (based on the competence model), which processes and tools may be used for project management (described as project management processes), which maturity level the respective project and the executing organisation have, and how a sustainable project progress and success can be achieved. This is the set of artefacts which are used in classical project management to define and describe the required intellectual assets for a successful project manager:
- Managing the digital transformation (MDT): processes and tools Specification
- Competence Model for the Digital Transformation (CMDT): Specification
- Digital Transformation Maturity Model (DTMM): Specification
- Digital Sustainability Canvas (DSC): Specification
- The Open Communities of Practice (OpenCoPs) produce, use, evaluate and disseminate educational resources for teachers and learners in the field of “Projects for the digital transformation”:
- Agile and projectized organisations in the digital era (APODE): Educational Package Specification
- Competences and the Digital Transformation (CDT): Educational Package Specification
- Sustainable digital transformation (SDT): Educational Package Specification
Funded by
News & Events
The Erasmus+ ProDiT: Projects for the Digital Transformation project has started in January 2021, during
Carsten Wolff
Nargiza Mikhridinova nargiza.mikhridinova@fh-dortmund.de