IEEE E-TEMS 2021 Conference

The IEEE European Technology and Engineering Management Summit (IEEE E-TEMS) 2021 took place from 18th to 20th of March 2021 for the second time at Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts (IDiAL) as an online event. The conference was chaired by Dr. Beverly Pasian, and Prof Dr Carsten Wolff, organized by Anna Badasian and Nargiza Mikhridinova (IDiAL), and was supported by the “European Partnership in Project and Innovation Management” (EuroPIM) network.

The Erasmus+ KA2: Knowledge Alliance “Projects for the Digital Transformation” (ProDiT) university partners were organising panel discussions on “Ideas from Trondheim: a Dialogue”, “Ideas from Dortmund: a Dialogue”, “Ideas from Bilbao: a Dialogue”, and “Ideas from Lithuania: a Dialogue”.

The main topic of the conference was “Smart Cities through Projects: Achieving Quality of Life?”. With contributions from 24 countries (168 participants including keynote speakers, special guests and authors) and an interactive, virtual conference design, the event was a great success despite the COVID 19-related limitations. In total 68 participants took active part during IEEE E-TEMS 2021.

The format of the online conference was well received by the participants, especially because of the many discussion rounds and interaction opportunities. This has resulted in a joint research agenda in the field of “Technology & Engineering Management”, which will be followed up in the next IEEE E-TEMS conferences.

The IEEE TEMS 2022 in Bilbao will take place on 09-11 March 2022.

Conference website:

Published proceedings: