The intermediate results of the Erasmus+ KA2: Knowledge Alliance “Projects for the Digital Transformation” (ProDiT) project after the first 8 months on.
Erasmus + ProDiT is building a community, training, and knowledge cluster of universities, companies, and other partners that will provide the required standards, concepts, and competences for project management for digital transformation as well as international, intercultural, and interdisciplinary competencies.
As soon as it was possible again to have on-site meetings, the Erasmus + ProDiT crew started to visit industry partners.
Starting with the German partner UNITY AG in January 2022 and followed by the partner university UPV/EHU, Lithuanian partners (INDEFORM and Kaunas STP), and Belgian industry partners (Siemens, Absolem and SO Kwadraat), the Erasmus + ProDIT community held a range of workshops discussing the project’s scope, digital transformation in general and its’ perspectives in the future.
In June 2022 UNITY AG was approached to have a first big round of interviews on experiences with digital transformation and promoting its’ soft factors and competences, with the next round at the beginning of August 2022, where the interviews with the top management of UNITY AG were conducted. In the mid of June 2022, mpool consulting was visited to draft the plan of future research activities for the current year, and as an outcome, mpool consulting will participate in the pilot teaching at the end of August 2022 in Norway.
As an overall outcome of these partners’ visits, an interesting agenda for TechTalk was drawn, which became an intriguing conference element during the Dortmund IRC 2022.
We’re excited to see the next steps of the Erasmus + ProDiT project and looking forward to the future results!