The AEIPRO 26th International Congress on Project Management and Engineering has been held in Terrassa (Barcelona) from July 5th to 8th, 2022. The congress focused on the areas of project management, civil engineering and urban planning, energy efficiency and renewable energies, rural development, and much more.
During the congress, the Erasmus+ KA2: Knowledge Alliance “Projects for the Digital Transformation” (ProDiT) project members together with 25 participants conducted a workshop «Digital Sustainable Canvas Competence Model for the Digital Transformation (CMDT)».
The workshop started with a presentation by Prof. Dr. Carsten Wolff who introduced the project goals and methodology. In the second phase, master students who had implemented the Digital Sustainability Canvas showed the results of the exercise to understand the implications of Digital Transformation projects. Finally, the participants discussed the competences needed by professional project managers who lead digital transformation projects.